Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Trying new things

So, I'm going to start an Etsy shop.  And I've also made a couple of zippered pouches and little wallets, so I thought I'd try to sell some of those, too.  And a friend of mine is having a mini-craft-show at her neighborhood clubhouse, and asked me to bring some things.


I'm thinking the little wallets and pouches will be easy, and I can whip up a 'bunch' and sell them.  Ha!

Zippers are from the devil.  I like zippers on my bags, but for cryin' out loud, they are an enormous pain in the rear-end to use! 

Last night, it took me 3 hours to do this:

I mean, they're cute and all, but I figure I'll make about 20 cents an hour if someone actually buys any.  I'm going to make some more, and hopefully I'll become a little more efficient! 

I have now have 2 completed quilts to put on Etsy.  I want to have 3 before I actually start it up, but here's what I have so far.

This one I made from a Verna layer cake.  I really like it.  Hate to sell it.

And here's the Whimsy one all finished!  I like it, too, but I'm not attached to it.

One of my holders is a bit shorter than the other, but they still did a great job! 

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