Monday, July 25, 2011

Lookie What I Got Today

Karen at Sew Many Ways hosted a red & white squares swap, and I got my goodies today.  There were 125 participants, so I ended up with 125 different red & white 5" squares.  How fun!

There are too many to show every one....

There are some hearts,


some paisley,

lots of dots,

 stripes, checks, squares and gingham,

and some miscellaneous fun.  The Eiffel Towers are really cute.

If I didn't have 18 billion other things to do, I'd be sewing them into a ginormous quilt right now. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Hate Summer

That's right, I said I HATE summer.  I always have.  Even as a kid.  So many people look forward to it, and all the fun they have, but for me, it's absolute misery.  The heat makes me cranky and crabby.  (Even more so than usual, heh heh.)  The kids are cranky and crabby, and they don't want to play outside, which they usually love to do, and they can get out their 'ya-yas'.  But, this is what is going on today:

Kids on floor watching TV....

Clothes hanging limp and damp, because it's so disgustingly humid, they won't dry....

Dog refusing the leave the porch, and silently pleading for me to let her back into the house...

And did you know that chickens pant?  Well, they do, poor little things...

And I have a quilting deadline, but it's just too darn hot to sit under a quilt, and hand-sew binding. 

So there, I've gotten it off my chest.  I'll be in a better mood come October....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Finally finished something

Yay!  I got my second block done for the Clover and Violet Stitch and Quilt Along.

I used variegated perle cotton for the bigger butterflies, and I like the slight color variation it gives.

Oh, and I also finished this one, for my cousin who got married recently.  Please forgive the awful photo quality, and all the wrinkles.  Had to give it to my mom to frame for me.

Other than that, I have barely had time to do anything.  The Hubs is working out of town, and the kids are on summer vacation.  And it's ill-advised to ever assume that you can leave your kids to their own devices for even a short amount of time without hurting themselves, someone else, or something that belongs to you.  ~Sigh~