Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My sewing space

I thought I'd share where I do my sewing.  I do not have an awesome sewing studio.  But I do have an awesome bedroom that's big enough to dedicate a little corner.  So here it is, complete with unmade bed, and laundry that needs to be folded.

That massive shelving system was free!  My husband works in commercial construction, and got this from a Yankee Candle that was remodeling.  It just. barely. fits.  And thank goodness...that was starting to become the corner of doom.

This is the other end of the table.  The ironing board has to stay put away..there's just no room for it!

And this........this is my future sewing studio.  Let's see, my youngest is 4, so in about 14 years, they'll be gone, along with all their toys, and by then I'm sure I will have amassed enough stuff to fill this room with girliness.  Ha!  But really, what I have is small, but it works great for me.  I feel lucky to have enough space to have a table set up.  

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The ladies enjoying some time in the front yard, because the grass is definitely greener on this side of the fence.  They love me, and come when I call them.  (Well, they think they're getting food, but that's the same thing).  Plus, a little peek at the pinwheel quilt I hope to have finished in the next couple of days. 

This is the view from my basting table:  Window decor courtesy of the 4 year old, and the chickies outside doin' their thing. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

This is why I quilt.

So, when my youngest son was getting all geared up for preschool, one of the things they said to bring was a 'nap blanket' for nap time.  It could even be just a towel for them to sleep with. 

A towel?  For my sweet babe?  Nah, I don't think so.

I whipped this up in about 2 days from some sale flannel I got a JoAnn's, and a thrifted sheet.  I don't think it's square, the quilting is terrible, and you can see the huge selvage clear as day that I didn't feel like trimming off.  But my boy loves it, and it was made by me, and that is what counts.